乌鸦 2:天使之城的剧情介绍,洛杉机在动乱之后成为一座罪恶的城市,在恶势力毒贩统治控制下呈现一片哀败。遭到毒贩杀害而大难不死的艾许,为了復仇,摧毁了几个毒贩的根据地。毒贩老大威胁艾许,不但绑架了和艾许有一段情缘的莎拉,而且还发现了艾许的弱点......
Some time ago, Ashe Corven and his son Danny were killed when they stumbled across a pack of drug dealers murdering a fellow dealer. The dealers work for Los Angeles drug kingpin Judah Earl. Local tattoo artist Sarah, who has great knowledge of the crow legend because of what happened with her late friend Eric Draven, has been having dreams about Ashe and Danny. One night when a crow leads her to the scene of the murders of Ashe and Danny, Ashe appears before her. The crow has resurrected Ashe, so Ashe can go after Judah and his right hand man Curve. With the guidance of the crow, Ashe starts killing off Judah's men one by one, on his way to Judah.
连乌鸦都变丑了你说这还能看么。为Iggy Pop加一颗星。敢问这是发生在埃及的哥特片么噗。
It's another time. It's another world. And another has been chosen.