斯塔比中士:一个美国英雄的剧情介绍,海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、罗根·勒曼、杰拉尔·德帕迪约确认将为动画片[斯塔比中士:一个美国英雄](Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero,暂译)献声。该片由理查德·兰宁执导,麦克·斯托基编剧。电影根据真实故事改编,讲述流浪狗斯塔比被一名美国士兵救起,后来在一战中成为一只英雄狗的故事。
With the war to end all wars looming, a young army "doughboy" Robert Conroy has his life forever changed when a little dog with a stubby tail wanders into camp as the men of the 102nd Infantry Regiment train on the grounds of Yale University. Conroy gives his new friend a name, a family, and a chance to embark on the adventure that would define a century. Despite lacking formal military working dog training, Stubby the dog and his human companions find themselves in the trenches of France and on the path to history. French Infantryman Gaston Baptiste befriends the duo and accompanies them along their epic journey through harsh conditions and incredible acts of courage. For his valorous actions, Stubby is recognized as the first canine ever promoted to the rank of Sergeant in U.S. Army history.
#RARBG#故事很流畅很动人,狗狗很可爱,英语清晰易懂。坏在价值观太主流,毫无批判精神,明明已经确定停战的上午还无畏地对垒死伤无数,whats the point?而台词竟说,他们坚持自己的使命到最后一刻…将军们在谈判桌坚持,战士们却要坚持送命。虽说是给孩子看的,有点"Great American"洗脑向了