Director Oliver Stone's exploration of former president Richard Nixon's strict Quaker upbringing, his nascent political strivings in law school, and his strangely self-effacing courtship of his wife, Pat. The contradictions in his character are revealed early, in the vicious campaign against Helen Gahagan Douglas and the oddly masochistic Checkers speech. His defeat at the hands of the hated and envied John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election, followed by the loss of the 1962 California gubernatorial race, seem to signal the end of his career. Yet, although wholly lacking in charisma, Nixon remains a brilliant political operator, seizing the opportunity provided by the backlash against the antiwar movement to take the presidency in 1968. It is only when safely in office, running far ahead in the polls for the 1972 presidential election, that his growing paranoia comes to full flower, triggering the Watergate scandal.
不宽容的公民与知足的臣民。When they Look at You。写于2005年...。无法接受这样一个尼克松!。尼克松。尼克松。不够了解历史。让功过随风而去……。7.5分。在黑暗与阳光下。
Nixon (Extended) (1995) [720p] x264 - Jalucian
丑恶的政治 战争 美国梦 交织在一起 Anthony Hopkins把尼克松这个人物非常丰满
权力会让人失去对理性的判断. 国家的特点是相对别国而言的自私,政党将这点表现得淋漓尽致,也就是为谋私利而不择手段。如果没有有效手段去约束无限膨胀的权力,必然又要上演一出陈词滥调般的政权替更,紧接着又在可预见的时期内限入新的相同性质的怪圈. 可惜了。