巨兽格果的剧情介绍,50年代,美国拍了《原子怪兽》,日本拍了《哥斯拉》,50年代末期英国又趁热打铁拍了《海底巨兽》。1961年又和米高梅合拍了《巨兽格果》。 <br /> 《巨兽格果》不像其他怪兽电影那样,怪兽开头都是神龙见首不见尾,最后城市大战时露个全身。本片中怪兽破坏的镜头完完全全的展现在观众面前,拆了伦敦塔桥,还推到了大本钟。最后全凭两双大脚一路踩爆房屋,砖瓦四溅,相当过瘾。本片讲述了人类抓到了一只可爱的小怪兽——格果,然后把它关进马戏团里,哪知道后来把怪兽老娘惹来了…
A salvage vessle is nearly sunk off the Irish coast by an undersea earthquake. A few nights later, a walking sea monster tangles with the fishing boats and enters the town. The salvage vessel captures Gorgo and takes it to London for display. Gorgo's mother, who is upset and significantly larger follows his trail to London leaving a wake of destruction in her path.