苦海余生的剧情介绍,1939年,纳粹大张旗鼓地将数百名来自社会各个阶层的犹太逃亡者们安置在一艘豪华客轮内,载他们至古巴的哈瓦那避难。然而,当轮船抵达哈瓦那港,古巴政府却依据本国严格的移民政策拒绝船上的犹太裔乘客入境。其实纳粹早就预料到会有这样的结果,而这也正是他们所希望看到的。当流亡者们从哈瓦那怏怏离去的时候,德国政府就可以凭此证明犹太人是世界上最不受欢迎的种族,从而为希特勒的种族清洗政策找到一个合情合理的借口。 <br /> 有人认为这部电影的弦外之音让人不寒而栗,但是《苦海余生》的结尾还是给人一丝希望:字幕告诉我们船上大部分乘客还是最终逃脱了劫难,得以幸存。
In 1939, Germany's Hamburg-America Line announced a voyage from Germany to Cuba. 937 people, the vast majority being Jews, signed up for the opportunity to escape Nazi Germany. Unbeknownst to the passengers, the visas they purchased were from a corrupt Cuban director of immigration, and they were invalid. Upon arrival in Havana, only 28 people were allowed to disembark, while the rest remained on board for weeks as they sailed to Florida, and eventually Canada, searching for safe haven. Sadly the ship returned to Antwerp after more than a month at sea. Forced back under Nazi rule as the low countries fell, it is estimated that approximately 250 of the refugees died in the extermination camps in occupied Poland.