龙兄鼠弟的剧情介绍,多年前科学家进行了一项创造完美人类的饰演,没想到实验过程中的细胞分裂不均匀导致了这个实验只成功了一半,另一半则完全失败。科学家创造出来的这对双胞胎兄弟一个是完美人类的典型――德智体美全面发展的高大的朱利斯(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰);另一个则是人类所有缺点的集合体――小矮个文森(丹尼•德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)。兄弟两一出世就被分离,朱利斯被科学家送到南海的一个小岛上抚养长大,而弟弟则在孤儿院度过了他的童年。 <br /> 直到兄弟两已过不惑之年,他们才知道了对方的存在。朱利斯与未曾谋面的兄弟文森重逢后,两兄弟决定踏上寻找亲生母亲之路。但是这时,一场意外给他们惹来了杀身之祸。
Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a South Seas island and raised by philosophers. Vincent becomes the ultimate lowlife and is about to be killed by loan sharks when Julius discovers that he has a brother and begins looking for him.