Lynn Markham moves into her late husband's beach house...the morning after former tenant Eloise Crandall fell (or was pushed) from the cliff. To her annoyance, Lynn finds both her real estate agent and Drummond Hall, her muscular beachcomber neighbor, making themselves quite at home. Lynn soon has no doubts of what her scheming neighbors are up to, but she finds Drummond's physical charms hard to resist. And she still doesn't know what really happened to Eloise.
happy ending版兰闺艳血
An excellent Sinatra movie
Joan Crawford还是一如既往的美丽优雅,但故事乏善可陈,最后的走向变成浪子泊岸实在无趣。男主角看准时机摆脱了原pua集团的控制,实际上仍是把女主角当成另一避风港,两人一触即发的情感线已经和原本人设相矛盾,最后强行洗清男主角的嫌疑,潦草收尾。