家和万事惊的剧情介绍,敦厚老实的中介卢伟文(吴镇宇 饰)与家庭主妇妻子淑贤(袁咏仪 饰)、失业愤青儿子(吴肇轩 饰)、沉迷网恋的女儿(蔡颂思 饰)及生活不能自理的父亲(张达明 饰)一家五口过着每月要还房贷的节衣缩食生活。鸡毛蒜皮的邻里纠纷、还不完的买房贷款、上有老下有小的尴尬处境,都成了这个家随时爆发争吵的源泉,而他们唯一舒缓焦虑的就是那一扇窗外的海景。可万万没想到的是,突然有一天,一块飞来广告牌完完全全阻挡到了整家人的视线,他们再也没有办法去舒缓压力。而这块广告牌的主人王小财(古天乐饰)却不以为然。解决无期、焦虑升级,卢伟文一家的疯狂计划就此展开……
Lu is an honest and simple house agent. He lives with his housewife, jobless son, cyber romance addicted daughter, and self-caring disabled father. Unceasing mortgage, neighborhood disputes, and family conflicts, all lead to endless squabbles. The only thing that can comfort the anxious family is a narrow sea view from their window. But they are startled by a billboard unexpectedly set up over the building across the street, which blocks the sea view from their window. So the family try their best to remove the billboard.
没标题,我爱邱礼涛。幻灭的海景,失控的人生。Cult 味深长。一次模糊了喜剧边界的转向:市井、蜗居、中年与团圆。房子、财富、美景...都不如一家人在一起来得重要。维多利亚一号之我爱我家。『家和万事惊』心有余悸。“每个人都会有艰难嘅日子,有人长啲,有人短啲,有人突然间遇到”。吵 尬。