再造战士的剧情介绍,A Marine unit sent into an island base to save a professor, meets what they are trying to save the professor from and then its a rush to stay alive from the enemy.
A Marine unit sent into an island base to save a professor, meets what they are trying to save the professor from and then its a rush to stay alive from the enemy.
just so so
在豆瓣搜了下这个名字 竟然有尚格云顿演的一个同名电影 我看的是这个 烂片 打了半天 和一个化妆的人造人打 枪都摸不到人 就被用大木桩给捅死了好多人,,,然后呢,电影里那个黑壮汉,握枪的手,啥玩意,兰花指吗,也不能说兰花指 反正非常丑挺帅的特工吧,最后盯着女主,就说她是女主吧,因为最后就省下她一个人了,盯着女主的屁股看 还要那啥人家 你那啥也行啊 确定安全了再那啥啊 我了个去 又被大木棍捅死...