星图的剧情介绍,桑福德(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是一名精神病医生,在治愈他人疾病的同时,桑福德自己的家庭却伤痕累累。儿子本杰(伊万·伯德 Evan Bird 饰)年纪轻轻却因为吸毒而被关进了戒毒所,女儿阿加莎(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)更糟,她竟然因为纵火而被关入了精神病院。 <br /> 不仅家庭生活陷入了困境,桑福德的事业亦走到了瓶颈,哈瓦那(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)是桑福德的病人,亦是一名演员,她生活在同为著名演员的母亲的阴影之下,甚至连做梦也被母亲的幻影所纠缠。阿加莎出院了,本杰亦回归了家庭之中,孩子们的归来带给桑福德的是更大的麻烦,和更混乱的生活。
The Weiss family is the archetypical Hollywood dynasty: father Stafford is an analyst and coach, who has made a fortune with his self-help manuals; mother Cristina mostly looks after the career of their son Benjie, 13, a child star. One of Stafford's clients, Havana, is an actress who dreams of shooting a remake of the movie that made her mother, Clarice, a star in the 60s. Clarice is dead now and visions of her come to haunt Havana at night... Adding to the toxic mix, Benjie has just come off a rehab program he joined when he was 9 and his sister, Agatha, has recently been released from a sanatorium where she was treated for criminal pyromania and befriended a limo driver Jerome who is also an aspiring actor.
一首诗。柯南伯格在嘎納的采访。<译>大卫•柯南伯格(David Cronenberg)访谈:好莱坞行星(出自《电影手册》)。Electra的毁灭之力——《Map To The Stars》影片浅析1。迷离错乱的好莱坞星空。星运里的错。电影《星图》影评。「Quotes」。《星图》:名利场催生的往往是一群怪物!。《星图》:好莱坞虐我千百遍,我待好莱坞如初恋。
Maps To The Stars (2014) 1080p ENG-ITA x264 BluRay -Shiv@.mkv