神童的剧情介绍,在一个弥漫着不祥气息的夜晚,约翰(彼得·穆尼 Peter Mooney 饰)和莎拉(泰勒·席林 Taylor Schilling 饰)迎来了家庭的新成员,与此同时在世界的另一个角落,某个冷血杀人狂遭受警方枪击,倒在血泊之中。此后不久,莎拉发现她这个有着异色瞳的儿子迈尔斯具有远超出同龄人的智慧,她为此兴奋不已,一门心思以天才的方式培养儿子。可是随着儿子年龄的长大,种种异相接二连三在迈尔斯的身上发生。他会在梦中用匈牙利语咒骂他人,会以残酷凶狠的手段殴打同学,他眼神中透露出来的冷酷凶残令约翰、莎拉夫妇站立不安。 <br /> 从他人口中得知,迈尔斯体内有可能住着另一个人的灵魂,而那个灵魂以残杀嗜血为乐……
In her much-anticipated foray into the horror-thriller genre, Golden Globe and Emmy nominee Taylor Schilling stars in THE PRODIGY as Sarah, a mother whose young son Miles' disturbing behavior signals that an evil, possibly supernatural force has overtaken him. Fearing for her family's safety, Sarah must choose between her maternal instinct to love and protect Miles and a desperate need to investigate what or who is causing his dark turn. She is forced to look for answers in the past, taking the audience on a wild ride; one where the line between perception and reality becomes frighteningly blurry.
人之初 真的性本善吗?。
The Prodigy 2019 Movies HDCam x264 Clean Audio New Source with Sample ☻rDX☻
没什么悬疑的,一开头把发生了什么就透露地一清二白。感觉全片最大的重点也是亮点是演Miles的小演员的演技,who is 小丑回魂里的被吃掉手的George,这些小童星真是不得了。结局太难以接受了,太绝望,Miles竟然老早就被吞噬了,敢情大半时间都在看一个老头的灵魂在扮演那么可爱的小孩儿,exm?三星惊悚片吧,多一星给小演员Jackson