Slime City is the story of Alex, an art student just trying to get some. He rents an apartment from a seemingly sweet old Lizzie to try to sway his girlfriend Lori into 'sleeping' over. Roman and Nicole, the building's other two youth residents take more than a healthy interest in our boy. Nicole practically says 'Come up and plow me sometime' and Roman has him over for green pudding and haunted Crème de Methe. Roman explains the goo is Himalayan yogurt made by Lizzie and the wine is made by her dead alchemist father Zachary. Staggering back to his apartment, Alex runs into Nicole. Then they take off their pants and run into each other a few more times. Alex wakes up the next morning covered in slime or possibly melting. He decides to go out for tea and murders a hobo. Before the hobo's blood is dry, Alex is back to normal. Roman brings by some more goo and Alex hoovers it up. Afterwards, he meets Lori's parents and ruins dinner with the revelation that he no longer wants to move in ...
烂泥城 观后感。
真鸡巴B 真鸡巴粘 屎黄一样的颜色
虽说是 垃圾街 的翻版,但是总体比 垃圾街 要好很多,腐烂的效果很赞,黏糊糊的香蕉酱加上大量的血浆,后半段女人把男主角肚子切开,掉出来好多番茄香肠和炒鸡蛋,结尾男主角脑袋里,大脑像虫子似的爬出来,虽然有点粗糙,但是全片的口味绝对十足!我感觉比 垃圾街 好看多了!