A film maker decides to channel her grief over her deceased golden retriever into making a documentary about people who rescue dogs and cats 'without names' - meaning with no one to care for them. She works with organizations who rescue dogs and cats from being euthanized and sees anew the power of our bonds with these animals and our responsibilities should we opt to care for them.
『为你取名的那一天。』。致 生命❤️。你的小春,小夏,小秋还有小冬。为你取名的那一天。明明不喜欢宠物的,看完这部 8 分好片,好想养一只。结婚是现实。为你添加标题的那一刻。把“朋友”当做“自己”来对待。爱从取名字那天开始,生命不可任人买卖。为你取名的那一天。