梦幻飞琴的剧情介绍,乔吉(海瑟·格拉汉姆 Heather Graham 饰)是一位单身的职业女性,同时也是两个孩子的妈妈。她迫于生活的压力,忽略了与孩子间的情感。一次偶然的机会,海瑟陪伴自己的孩子去看郎朗的《梦幻飞琴》演奏会,却被郎朗神奇的魔法吸进了电影的奇幻世界,与电影男女小主人公一道,乘着这架“梦幻飞琴”随着郎朗的琴声,伴着肖邦的音乐,飞到了伦敦、飞到了巴黎、飞到了维也纳、飞到了华沙……重温了音乐大师肖邦的情感历程……
'The Flying Machine' is a 3D live action/animation family feature film about a stressed out business-woman, Georgie (played by Heather Graham), who takes her two children to see the animation film 'Magic Piano', which is being performed live by world famous pianist Lang Lang. A magical event occurs and Georgie's kids get transported inside the animation world, and Georgie has to pursue them, with a little help from Maestro Lang Lang. The "Magic Piano" which is a stop-motion animation tells a story of Anna, a girl whose dad had to leave Poland to work in London. Anna and her cousin Chip Chip find a broken piano which magically transforms into a flying machine and takes them across the Europe. The girl hopes to meet her longing dad.
这是一部让人叹为观止的,百年难得一遇的,不可多求的,呃,电影?。音乐声优美。钢琴家和一家三口的奇幻飞行。影评。这部片子其实是拍给钢琴学习者或爱好者看的。天魔琴现 教主朗朗 十指乱弹 天下大变 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!。1。
难道只有我一个人受不了朗朗弹钢琴的时候那个浪得难受的样子?你是要飞啊还是怎么着 可以不那么做作么