少林三十六房的剧情介绍,清朝时,广州一地的反清复明义士积极与台湾郑成功一脉联络,以图驱逐异族。义士段将军与何老师等人为了营救反清同志,先后被广州将军天达镇压,何老师的学生刘裕德(刘家辉 饰)因积极参与反清,举家被天达手下鹰犬唐三要所害,刘裕德孤身逃脱,历尽艰苦抵达少林寺,希望能够习得少林功夫,救助苦难百姓,兼报家仇。其时少林寺设有三十五房,其中三十四房分别锻炼体力或拳脚兵器,法号三德的刘裕德天资过人,历经五年苦学,遍通三十四房,学成之际,刘裕德向方丈提出开设少林第三十六房,旨在接纳俗家弟子,传播少林武学。刘裕德离乡七年后重返广州,收洪熙官、陆阿采等青年为徒,与清廷鹰犬展开了连番激战…… <br /> 本片获1978年亚洲影展最佳动作效果奖。
The anti-Ching patriots, under the guidance of Ho Kuang-han, have secretly set up their base in Canton, disguised as school masters. During a brutal Manchu attack, Lui manages to escape and devotes himself to learning the martial arts in order to seek revenge. In a short period of time he masters the deadly use of his fists, feet and palms, along with such weapons as swords, sticks, and lances. With his learning complete, he takes on the Manchus.