Construction Engineer Stuart Graff is estranged from his jealously possessive wife, Remy, and has an affair with Denise Marshall, the widow of a co-worker. Meanwhile, Remy tries to persuade her father, Sam Royce, who is Stuart's employer, to use his influence to stop Stuart from seeing Denise. Rogue policeman Lew Slade is suspended from the L.A.P.D. for having punched an obtuse officer from another jurisdiction. Embittered, Slade contemplates quitting the police force. Jody, a perverted grocery store manager, lusts after Rosa Amici, sister of Sal, the assistant to Miles Quade, an aspiring daredevil motor cyclist. The lives of all these people are devastated when a major earthquake rips through Los Angeles and reduces the city to ruins.
地震概论 老师放之前说得过奥斯卡奖 还以为他记错了呢 结果还真得了那年的最佳音效奖和视觉效果特别奖 还入围剪辑、摄影和艺术指导 艺术上一塌糊涂 结果技术在当时竟然还算顶尖 天哪 电影科技真是日新月异 另: Mario Puzo也有一部不堪回首的剧本了
汗..原来看这片的好多地震概论课的同学啊~这电影实在是不咋地...1974年都出教父了啊 这片怎么看也太烂了啊...