结婚大作战的剧情介绍,2008年加州发起了8号提案公投,决定同志婚姻是否受法律保护。木讷的广告制作人Paul一直渴望真命天子出现,但在离投票还有6天参加同志好友的婚礼绝对把他刺激到了。他决定在剩下6天里为自己也物色一位丈夫,而在婚礼中认识的英俊同志活动家Jim就是完美人选。然而他没有想到自己 ... @QAF中文站
Can Paul get married in just 6 days? Paul Roll is a lovable nerd who's achieved everything he's set his mind to, except...he's never been successful at finding a man. After witnessing the marriage of his best friends--6 days before Election Day 2008--he realizes he desperately wants to get married. Forced by the current economy to take on an ultra-conservative (and anti-gay) conglomerate known as The Family as a new client, Paul must now tangle head-to-head with its Disney-like villain, Miss Deborah Anderson. Through a series of comedic mishaps that include a crusty old lounge singer named Miss Piggy B, Paul finally meets the man of his dreams. But is true love meant to be?
和最近网上传的8号一样 政治意味浓重 故事讲的挺水的
政治意味好浓= =