神探南茜的剧情介绍,在本地小有盛名的少女侦探南茜•朱儿(艾玛•罗伯茨 饰),因为父亲的生意,离开了小镇,搬到洛杉矶生活。随着环境的改变,她也答应了爸爸,从此不再冒险破案,做一个普通的女孩儿。 <br /> 巧合的是,朱儿一家的新宅正是神秘死亡的好莱坞著名女影星德丽娅•德雷克特生前的居所。自从德丽娅死后,这所宅子经常发生一些古怪的事件。这个神秘的地方以及女星离奇的死因又激起了朱儿的好奇心,她决定瞒着父亲,“重操旧业”。 <br /> 在男友奈德•尼可森(马克斯•希尔洛特 饰)和新认识的小伙伴科奇(乔什•弗里特尔 饰)的帮助下,朱儿逐渐发现了一些线索,但与此同时她却收到了莫名的死亡威胁……
Nancy Drew accompanies her father on a business trip to Los Angeles California. Nancy booked an abandoned house for them to stay in hiding the mystery of a movie star's murder from her father as a promise that she would stay out of trouble and be normal. Fitting into high school as a normal teen turns out to be harder than it sounds, for Nancy Drew. She soon befriends a younger boy and determines that the sleuthing world is where she belongs. While snooping through the attic, she finds a letter from the Hollywood star, Dehlia Draycott, written to someone named 'Z'. This leads Nancy on a wild goose chase as she comes to find out that Dehlia has a secret daughter, her daughter is to inherit everything and someone killed Dehlia because they were written out of the will.
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