暗夜恐惧的剧情介绍,男人牵着四只恶犬在街上行走,他每放走一只恶犬,就意味着世上有一无辜者受到戕害,当他放走最后一只恶犬之时,自己反而成为了最后的受害者。童年时代,男子迷恋收集昆虫,成年后,孤僻而沉默的他遇见了美丽的女子,女子对其一见倾心,然而,随着时间的流逝,女子的身上开始展现出了令男子感到毛骨悚然的变化。 <br /> 饱受同学欺凌的少女家住武士初的坟墓之后,有关初的恐怖传说一直纠缠着少女,横行的鬼怪和彻骨的恐惧看似只是梦境,但却同现实发生了交集。少年的叔叔无故失踪,朋友告诉了他关于沼泽中存在怪兽的传说,接连出现的亡者让少年逐渐相信,传说并不仅仅只是一个传说。 <br /> 五个意味深长的故事,用低沉婉转的旁白和光怪陆离的画面,揭露心底最深处的恐惧。
Different black-and-white animation techniques tell several scary stories. There's a story of a teenage boy who meets the wrong girl. Another tale deals with a small community where people disappear and are never seen again. Then there's the narrative of a little Japanese girl who suffers from horrible nightmares followed by a tale where a man doesn't get the rest he hoped for in an old not-so-abandoned house. These stories are connected by the story about a man with a devilish smile and four enormous dogs from hell and by a woman's monologue about her fears.