地球最后一人的剧情介绍,由于几年前在中美洲的细菌研究工作中获取了神奇的免疫能力,罗伯特.摩根博士成为了一次毁灭全世界的瘟疫中的唯一的幸存者。现在的他是孤单的……或许如此。当夜幕降临,瘟疫的受害者们开始爬出他们的坟墓,一群来自地狱的不死军团嗜血如命,他们纷纷来到博士的家外找他报仇!但庆幸的是,他们一到白天便会沉睡过去。于是他就趁有阳光的日子搜集尸体,然后搬到郊外焚化。就这样日复一日地过去了,可尸体的数量并没减少。正当博士陷入苦闷之时,他发现了一个令他惊喜的消息:在这个世界上还有其他人活着!但是他们同样面临着活死人的威胁,这样,博士不但要保住自己的性命,还要保护其他人群,来弥补自己以前所犯下的罪过... ... <br /> 这片竟然比《活死人之夜》还要早!
When a plague devastated life on Earth, the population died or became a sort of zombie living in the dark. Dr. Robert Morgan is the unique healthy survivor on the planet, having a routine life for his own survival: he kills the night creatures along the day and maintains the safety of his house, to be protected along the night. He misses his beloved wife and daughter, consumed by the outbreak, and he fights against his loneliness to maintain mentally sane. When Dr. Morgan finds the contaminated Ruth Collins, he uses his blood to heal her and he becomes the last hope on Earth to help the other contaminated survivors. But the order of this new society is scary.
Night Creatures AKA Captain Clegg (1962)
they are afraid of me...非我族类,必诛杀之。片名《I am legend》原来充满如此讽刺的意味。和本片相比起来,Will Smith那版翻拍实在幼稚过头
影片让我想到了71年的“The Ωmega Man”,但其“神展开”的方式比后者更为高明,结尾则让人想起了之后的“Night of the Living Dead”。