本能反应的剧情介绍,鲍威尔(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)是一位专门研究黑猩猩的人类学家,他在卢旺达长期观察观察当地黑猩猩的活动。然而两年前,这位性情温和的学者突然性情大变,杀了两位当地的森林管理员以及伤害了多名管理员后神秘失踪。如今,他终于被逮捕归案,关押在美国高度戒严的精神病监狱。 <br /> 年轻的精神病专家卡尔特(小库珀•古丁 Cuba Gooding 饰)意图揭开鲍威尔精神失常之谜而一举成名,于是他深入到监狱直接与鲍威尔进行对话。鲍威尔一开始对这位访客充满敌意,身为人类学家的他在卡尔特面前一点也不落下风。随着对话的逐渐深入,卡尔特渐渐了解到了事件真相:鲍威尔杀害的管理员其实是偷猎大猩猩的恶棍……
Nearly two years after having gone amiss in Africa, renowned anthropologist Dr. Ethan Powell is caught committing a crime and subsequently imprisoned in a Florida mental institution, where aspiring psychiatrist Dr. Theo Calder takes over his important case. Dr. Powell, who has been with a group of gorillas during all that time, is not talking at all and seems to be living in a dreamworld. Very slowly, Dr. Calder manages to reach Ethan Powell and starts finding out why Ethan killed two of the poachers. Yet Theo's case is not just about why the murders have happened, but also about how Dr. Powell became the being he is in the first place. With Ethan's silence broken, Theo is introduced into a world beyond common human comprehension: The true nature of being. He learns that mankind's control of everything is a mere illusion and that the true values of existence can't be found so easily. Ethan changes Theo's view of things forever.
Illusion behind the bars。《本能反应》:本能反应中的人性揭示。我们是否真的在生活?。《本能反应》:穿越幻相,遇见真实。《沉默的本能》人世间不只有功名利禄。向白发致敬。又是一碗毒鸡汤。我失去了幻想。好难下。失落的拔拔。
如果人性不能追上科学的脚步,人类早晚要从地球上抹去,或许是冰河世纪或许是某种细菌。如果达尔文说的没错,这个种族已经背离了进化论的生态平衡,到时候替代我的种族会说,看!他们成在贪念,灭也贪念。 虽然影片主题直击人心,但故事略显粗狂,缺少主角心理变化的推动力,配角过于扁平化,明显有为剧情而存在的痕迹。 影片致敬飞越疯人院和肖申克的救赎,被释放的不仅是对自...
people have forgotten the way of living in the world,trying to please others, but loving no one.