The year is 1985. The unmanned Soviet space station Salyut 7, which is in low Earth orbit, suddenly stops responding to commands from the Control Center. If the space station - the pride of Soviet space engineering - falls from the sky, not only will it damage the image of the country, it will also be a disaster bringing untold casualties. To investigate the failure and prevent the catastrophe, people must be sent to the station. Yet no one in history has ever attempted to dock an uncontrolled vehicle in space. To this day, this mission is considered to be the most technically challenging in the history of space exploration.
大力出奇迹!真实历史是怎样的呢?。比地心引力更好看的俄式彪悍太空救援。感叹国产何时能拍出这样一部片。影院英语103分钟版与某盘俄语106分钟版区别。我抽烟,我喝酒,但我是好宇航员。那一抹“蓝光”是影射目击“天使”的事件。毛片三连硬——美,加上力。Салют-7 Rescue Program。向伟大的苏联宇航员致敬!。一部可以细细讲给孩子听的电影。