Alex is Finlander married to an Italian who works as a taxi driver in Berlin. One night in his taxi come two men with a briefcase full of money. Unluckily for Alex, they are being chased by gangsters whose money was stolen. During the shooting, they get killed, and he must get rid of their bodies.
Helsinki Napoli All Night Long (1987) DVDRip, Subs English + Nordic
Finlander Alex works as a taxi-driver in Berlin and is married to an Italian. One night, two men get into his taxi with a briefcase full of money. Unluckily for Alex, they are being chased by gangster...
甘菊茶比山埃更适合折磨意大利酗酒岳父,“当年墨索里尼都没侵略芬兰你为啥这么对我!”;苏联力士帝企鹅之恋,事故换尸返后座裹水泥交货,的士佬发财梦停车场斗牛醉汉天女散花终回收,霰弹维姆·文德斯毁店为兄弟,酒保贾木许淡定赶客,美帝极道被迫凑娃割腕换尿布,柏林墙教父塞缪尔·富勒育儿经"They all grow up to be cops!"……好开心的八十年代西柏林黑色幽默联合国派对,众名导客串不亦乐乎
punk movie