It is the year 2130 A.D. An Earth exploratory ship, the USS Palomino, discovers a black hole with a lost ship, the USS Cygnus, just outside its event horizon. Deciding to solve the mystery of the Cygnus are: the Palomino's Captain, Dan Holland; his First Officer, Lieutenant Charlie Pizer; journalist Harry Booth; scientist and ESP-sensitive Dr. Kate McCrae, whose father was the Cygnus's First Officer; Dr. Alex Durant, the expedition's civilian leader; and the robot known as V.I.N.CENT. The Palomino attempts a dangerous fly-by of the darkened ship. As they come within close range of it, the buffeting they experience (due to the black hole's gravity) suddenly ceases. They bring more instruments to bear on the derelict, but do not even realize the gravity-free zone is artificial; slipping outside it, they are almost drawn into the black hole, an abyss from which no one can escape. Matters worsen when Reinhardt holds the crew captive, after realizing that they can help him reach his goal. The squad must now figure out a way to flee from Reinhardt -- before it's too late.
高科技外壳下的简单悬疑故事。New The Black Hole Will Be Back~。科幻电影带来了什么。
摄影和特效在当年都应该是上乘之作了。剧情就比较浅,星际穿越和Wall-E都可以看作是在此基础上的进一步深入之作,但很有幽默感!给小机器人Vincent一定个男主credit吧!//星期五两场联映New Beverly Cinema
面罩下的活死人,舱内飞翔大陨石,新老小胖机器人激光钻头斗恶党,反引力装置黑洞穿越,视界面之内,对好人是条星际通道,对坏人是个烧着火的地狱哟 : ) 79年迪士尼版《2001太空漫游》X《星际穿越》,派两个机器人低幼卖萌真的是不太可以,科学内容就更别有啥指望了,设定上唯一可取之处恐怕是飞船的失重驾驶舱?蠢烂得还算有点开心吧
见到perkins突然觉得如果能在某个科幻电视剧混个regular其实也是条不错的事业线(人都死二十多年了你还真操心都操在死人身上)。。但不是这种因为太蠢而第一个死掉的船员== 片子野心很大有不少很有潜力的想法但啥都没搞好。。能让perkins演大boss就好了><
宛如《星球大战》的复刻版,jukie fun. 两个机器人形象蠢萌可爱。