我们在黎明下潜的剧情介绍,二战期间,英国潜艇“海虎”号艇长泰勒上尉及船员结束了七天的休假回到了基地,同时上级给了他们一项绝密任务。寻找并摧毁纳粹德国的最新战舰“勃兰登堡 ”号。经过全体艇员的顽强不屑的努力,最终成功击沉了“勃兰登堡 ”号战舰,但潜艇自身也受到了严重损坏。他们能否逃脱德国驱逐舰的追击,并修好潜艇安全返回基地吗?
The crew of submarine H.M.S. Sea Tiger have their leave (and assorted family problems) cut short when they are recalled for a special mission: sink the new German battleship Brandenburg. En route, they learn that their target has entered the heavily defended Baltic. Rather than fail, they follow it. Tension builds as they approach their target. After the attempt, escape seems impossible, unless they can refuel in enemy waters.
We Dive at Dawn [1943] Nordic subs DVDrip