The Trans List explores the range of experiences lived by Americans who identify as transgender (an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not conform to that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth). No two experiences of trans people are exactly alike. Transgender, transsexual, gender-queer, bi-gender, and non-binary are just a few of the multitude of self-identifiers in the trans community. This film gives a platform to a diverse group of eleven individuals to tell their stories in their own words of their experience with identity, family, career, love, struggle and accomplishment.
The Trans List explores the range of experiences lived by Americans who identify as transgender (an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not conform to that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth). No two experiences of trans people are exactly alike. Transgender, transsexual, gender-queer, bi-gender, and non-binary are just a few of the mu...
13年HBO出品的出柜清单就看得人心潮澎湃,16年出品的跨性别名单同样优秀,果然HBO出品就是质量保证啊。一样是大家都关注的话题,HBO就可以把红火的话题以简单真诚的方式呈现。 清单不过是一个接一个的访谈而已,穿插的内容也只是照片和年代久远的影像,怎么就看得那么来劲呢。我们惊叹于他们的
和皮皮在city地独立影院看的 正常只有两个人 虽然只是平淡的叙事 但对LGBT有了更深的理解
补齐了前面一半 born this way 请丢掉固化的观念 没有绝对值 每个人都是游离于男性和女性之间的 自己过得舒服和开心最重要 HBO出品 质量有保障 品质太高!