安全没有保障的剧情介绍,刚进入杂志社实习的达利斯(奥布瑞·普拉扎 Aubrey Plaza 饰)是个从小孤僻的女孩,在一次头脑风暴会议上偶然获得跟着老记者杰夫(杰克·约翰逊 Jake Johnson 饰)实习的机会,加上另一个印度学生(凯伦·索尼 Karan Soni 饰),一行三人开始追踪一则“穿越时空求伴”的广告。锁定刊登人肯尼斯(马克·杜普拉斯 Mark Duplass 饰)后,杰夫前去假装应征被识破,于是派达利斯前往,达利斯成功获得肯尼斯信任,杰夫索性把整个调查工作交给她,自己一心泡妞。神神叨叨的肯尼斯是个超市员工,似乎脑筋不大正常,达利斯逐渐了解他的敏感、失落、想回到过去的原因,一向孤僻的自己也被他真诚关心,二人慢慢产生了真感情。但一心想要穿越时空的肯尼斯已经惹来特工盯梢,更多的人更是把他当作笑柄,直到他亮出“时间机器”……
Darius is a young intern at a Seattle-based magazine and jumps at the chance to investigate the author of a classified ad seeking someone to travel back in time with. Along with Jeff, the staff writer, and Arnau, a fellow intern, the three go on a road trip to a coastal town. While Jeff just wants to chase after his high school crush and Arnau wants some kind of life experience, Darius spends her time with Kenneth, a man who believes that he has built a time machine. The closer they become and the more they understand about each other, the less clear it becomes if Kenneth is just crazy or if he actually is going to successfully travel back in time.
着力点很特别的时间穿越片。两处没看明白的地方。一部披着科幻外衣的情感开胃菜。以为故事会理所当然的发生下去,然而却出其不意。最好的普通人。《安全没有保障》:草根清新的小科幻。这是一个大小孩的 爱情奇遇记。从另一个侧面讲述的不同于其它方式的爱情故事。没有什么是安全的。建议躺着看。