另一个世界的剧情介绍,扬是一个17岁的游戏爱好者。在游戏世界中,扬并不是真正的扬,而是他的角色,勇敢的战士芬莉斯。通过自己的努力,他在游戏乌尔加德之战中将角色等级练到了69级,并成为这个游戏中最顶尖的玩家之一。在准备名为“仙境传说”的线上竞赛时,他突然被从游戏中驱逐了出来。很快他意识到这是游戏中另一个拥有比他高等级的玩家——70级的黑暗巫师洛基干的好事。不仅仅是游戏账号,扬的借记卡和手机全都出了问题。 为了重新获得游戏账号,扬四处费心,在这过程中困难重重,不仅有可怕的对手,他还遇见了游戏中的疯狂卡罗——一个在现实生活中善良诚实,与自己有着相同境遇的女孩。
Most of the time, JAN (Moritz Jahn) isn't really Jan, he's brave warrior FENRIS (Level 69), one of the best players in fantasy online game "Battle for Utgard". He's busy practicing for the upcoming online tournament called Ragnarök, when he's suddenly ejected from the game, frantically realizing he's been hacked by another player, dark sorcerer LOKI (Level 70). The biggest quest of his life begins - in the real world this time. It's the start of the greatest adventure of his life - in the real world. He encounters a plethora of analog obstacles on his journey to regain his digital identity, terrifying opponents, and even crazy KARO (Mala Emde) ...an actual, honest-to-goodness girl.
德国的网瘾少年 打败大BOSS 赢得猛男泰格的爱情 略显幼稚 无脑片 2018 4 15
宅若久时天然呆,腐到深处自然萌 神经病人思维广,二逼青年欢乐多