自然世界:动物之家的剧情介绍,在地底 在岩穴 在沙滩 <br /> 不论是单身公寓 还是集体宿舍 <br /> 这里 是它们所有的爱和智慧 <br /> 这里 是它们抵御外敌的阵地 <br /> 这里 是它们抗击严寒的温床 <br /> 树枝石块 纤维唾液 就连废弃的蜘蛛网 <br /> 也被那些神奇的建筑师们变成了遮风避雨的港湾 <br /> 走进动物之家 走进它们的智慧 <br /> 走进 奇妙的大自然吧~(@酸奶) <br /> 转自夏末秋字幕组
Sir David Attenborough tells the stories of the world's best animal architects. There are house-proud bower birds, who only find a mate if they decorate their homes perfectly. There are hornets, who build electric central-heating systems, and the star-nosed mole whose house is so well designed that his favorite meal of worms literally drop in for dinner. From larders to nurseries and from high-rises to subway systems, Attenborough shows that the animal architects have designed it way before we humans.