A unique portrayal of two young amateur actresses embarking on a journey that will forever change their lives as they star in the most eagerly anticipated new show of 2018-Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend. Naples 2017. The news spread fast. Ferrante's saga, a worldwide phenomenon selling over 13 million novels, is about to become a major TV series for HBO and RAI. Thousands of young girls audition for the parts of the main characters Elena and Lila...but only two succeed. The lives of Margherita Mazzucco and Gaia Girace, cast as Elena and Lila, are about to change in an unimaginable way. An event within the event, this remarkable documentary captures the adventure these two non-actors will go on-from the open casting call of 2,500 hopefuls, through to the show's Venice Film Festival premiere. This is an exclusive look into them experiencing a true Cinderella story, where two unknown, ordinary teenagers embark on roles of a lifetime. The documentary is an intimate portrayal of this...
她们的身上,同时栖息着Lila和Lenu。Youth!。比起别人爱的莉拉,我想当好我的莱农。Lenu & Lila。
Lenu的扮演者Margherita 02年生,性格活泼开朗,对演员生涯并无期待,常常怀念剧外生活。Lila的扮演者Gaia 03年生,生活里有些孤僻和不合群,享受并眷恋片场生活,有着成为职业演员的抱负。镜头亲密地记录她们从十三四岁试镜,到两个月排练、六个月拍摄,再到远赴好莱坞宣传的过程,两条迥异的人生道路即将展开。第一季播出的时候给Gaia的ig私信发了篇彩虹屁被点赞,希望她的演员之路能成功啊。
真是发光的日子啊 太美好了