实习医生格蕾 第十六季的剧情介绍,ABC宣布续订《实习医生格蕾》第16季、第17季。
Meredith, Richard and Alex must deal with the consequences after Bailey fires them from Grey Sloan for insurance fraud. After disappearing in the fog, Jackson helps a man in a dangerous situation, as his relationship with Maggie comes to a new crossroad. Meanwhile, Tom gets new responsibilities at the hospital that throw the doctors for a loop.
第一集 Nothing Left to Cling to。又多个喜欢星期五的理由。喜欢你们救死扶伤的样子,记录每集格蕾独白(更至01)。
The reason why I am still living.
等了好久!终于!Alex太暖了555,Jackson怎么突然这么渣?那句I agree太伤人了吧!期待gay线🤔
drama goes on
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