记忆背叛者的剧情介绍,2050年的世界經濟崩壞、人口爆炸,人們開始服用喪失記憶的藥物來換得自由和安全,並得貢獻出自己的小孩為社會盡力。 <br /> 卡爾是負責守護孩子們成長並阻止家長打破規範的保安。在一次不正確用藥後,卡爾開始想起過去,為了自己的家庭和信念他變成了法律的代言人,但他卻也是真相的背叛者?!
Carl's job is to protect children in a society that has suffered from a great economic disaster. Following a traumatic incident, Carl receives a series of unusual messages that challenge him to remember his past, question his beliefs about families, and lead him to play a double role that not even he himself suspects.