忍石的剧情介绍,在阿富汗或者是别的什么正在遭受战火的村庄,一个漂亮的中年女人在起居室日复一日照顾着她孱弱的丈夫,一天,绝望的女人爆发了,面对她沉默的丈夫,滔滔不绝地谈到孩子、孤独、梦想、欲望……她抚摸他,亲吻他,那些尽管结婚十年了她却从来没有做过的事情。这个瘫痪多年的男人无意中成了寓言中的那块具有神奇魔力的忍石:倾听和吸收所有的痛苦与秘密。 <br /> 在等待丈夫苏醒的日子里,女人也在顽强地生活着。她在唯一理解她的亲人姑姑那里寻求庇护,同时也在对一个年轻军人萌生的爱情中,重新发现了自己。by布谷
Somewhere, in Afghanistan or elsewhere, in a country torn apart by a war... A young woman in her thirties watches over her older husband in a decrepit room. He is reduced to the state of a vegetable because of a bullet in the neck. Not only is he abandoned by his companions of the Jihad, but also by his brothers. One day, the woman decides to tell the truth to him about her feelings about their relationship to her silent husband. She talks about her childhood, her suffering, her frustrations, her loneliness, her dreams, her desires... She says things she could never have done before, even though they have been married for the past 10 years. Therefore, this paralyzed man unconsciously becomes syngue sabour, a magic stone which, according to Persian mythology, when placed in front of a person shields her from unhappiness, suffering, pains and miseries. In this wait for her husband to come back to life, the woman struggles to survive and live. She finds refuge in her aunt's place, who is a prostitute, and the only relative who understands her. The woman seeks to free herself from suffering through the words she delivers audaciously to her husband. But after weeks looking after him, she will actually reveal herself in the relationship she starts with a young soldier...
The Patience Stone Sonata Premiere
化不开的浓墨。Golshifteh Farahani实在是美得惊心动魄
2013/09/05 以平民区的战争为背景,看得时候很心慌,这种龙卷风眼里的平静最是让人受怕。女主的神经质表现得很好,一步步地释放出被压抑的感情和秘密,在传统和解放之间暧昧地游走。不过片子整体太鲜艳了,有做作感。