皇室奇遇记的剧情介绍,米莉·查克拉瓦蒂,一位效力于印度板球超级联赛的运动理疗师,经朋友推荐在联赛结束之际前往桑巴莱加尔,为拉索尔皇室的国王进行康复治疗。而在皇室的生活并非想象得如此幸福,对家事不管不问且不愿进行治疗的国王,严肃的皇后操守着家里的一切事务,外表气质忧郁但本质工作狂的王子,恪守家规、从不敢表露真实想法的小公主。就是这样的一个沉闷皇室家庭,在米莉的来到后,一切天翻地覆… 渐渐地,米莉通过自己的不懈努力与开朗性格,不仅博得了国王的信任和配合,说服了小公主勇敢追逐自己的梦想,而且与此同时,却和已订婚的王子产生了暧昧之情;而自说自话、天马行空的米莉始终不被严格的皇后所喜爱。直到有一天,米莉发现了隐藏在这个家族背后一个巨大的秘密... 米莉能否和童话中的王子长厢厮守?能否赢得皇后的喜爱?这场皇室奇遇记究竟又有多跌宕起伏?
Khoobsurat is a quirky, modern romantic comedy about what happens when a vibrant, hopelessly romantic physiotherapist meets handsome young Rajput prince who is the complete opposite of her and is engaged to someone else. It is a battle of values between two individually crazy families one that encourages discipline and self - restraint versus the other, which is all for spontaneity and open mindedness. Khoobsurat looks at universal themes: being able to love and respect yourself; and having to fight for the things you really want.