燃烧蓝的剧情介绍,90年代美国海军航母上,发生了两起看似孤立的坠机事故。五角大楼派遣专员来进行调查,不料却无意揭开了美国军队中一段隐秘的同性恋情。军队世家出身的丹尼尔(Trent Ford 饰)英俊稳重,与女友感情和睦,在军舰上享有较高声誉。新来的飞行员马修(Rob Mayes 饰)活泼好胜,丹尼尔对他敬而远之。然而一次偶然的结伴旅行,让两人的关系发生了微妙改变,尤其是同逛同志酒吧的经历,成为了他们彼此的秘密。由于调查专员的介入,事件性质开始变得严重,丹尼尔和队友都成为了政治打击的目标。 坠机事故再次发生了,这一次丹尼尔发现,他的人生再也不能回到从前那样...
Following two fatal aircraft accidents aboard an Aircraft Carrier, a government agent is placed aboard the ship. His mission is to determine what may be at the root of these mishaps and prevent the inevitable third chain breaking accident which abruptly changes course when a sailor reports seeing one of the top ranking fighter pilots in a gay club. The aviator and three of his squadron mates and their spouses all become the subject of a deadly modern day witch hunt entangling them in a web of jealousy and deceit which tests their concept of love, friendship and honor and changes their lives forever.
你想要什么。Dont Ask Dont Tell——军队对男性亲密情感的利用与禁忌。军队中好基友坑死恋人的故事。我有特别的发便当技巧。矛盾与现实,畏惧与偏见。隐秘而伟大。低切的暧昧,烧掉的梦想。讀完英文影評后的一些發現。导演还是功底不够。时代让每个人都变成了悲剧的主角。
克制的配乐,点到即止的画面,无限留白的剧情,水乳交融融会贯通。故事非常细腻,讲述美国海军历史上尘封的往事。两位男主颜值惊人,兄弟情义薄云天。最精彩的画面是两个搭档伴随着frankin walli的经典名曲《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》翩翩起舞。他说,要去蓝天上找答案。可是其实答案就在身边啊。
I used to think that never ask, never tell may be a good way to hide these people in the army. But this movie showed us the bitter side of the policy in the army. What a pity that millions of soldiers...
4.5/5#仿佛望不到边的天是节制与平静的——关于他们的爱情。戛然而止的是生死,却难断那段刚刚开始的情愫。所以最终还是选择成为了天空中的那只飞鸟,有着自己的色彩,和回忆与旋律里的那个他。#故事与演员都是极好的,但剪辑方面确实不甚成熟,以致剧情线时而的混乱与模糊。#When blue is burning#Talk anything, ask me anything. Just don't...