Sing-along with Barbie in the all-new musical movie Barbie Princess Adventure. The adventure begins when Barbie and her friends travel to the country of Floravia to meet Princess Amelia, who looks a lot like Barbie. Princess Amelia is nervous about becoming queen, so she comes up with a plan to switch places with Barbie. Their secret is safe until a rival prince discovers the truth. It's then up to Barbie and her friends to stop the prince and rescue the princess in time for her coronation. With the support of her friends, Barbie helps Princess Amelia discover the power in finding your own voice. Filled with lots of fun songs and new friends, this exciting musical celebration shows the best thing you can be is yourself.
熟悉的芭比味道,但是注入了对社交媒体人生的思考,也很不错啊 Gotta be me, not a picture-perfect girl.
如此建模粗糙配色俗艳的电影,和三岁的baby girl还能看两遍。一直以为Barbie是矫揉剧情,没想到双女主互助互爱,勇敢寻找自我的主题很好看。