卡西·安东尼:美国谋杀谜案的剧情介绍,Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery meets with the family at the center of it all, the Anthonys, to hear their first-hand account of the tragic details surrounding the death of their granddaughter, Caylee. We'll reveal the details surrounding the troubled investigation and explore new revelations in the case that outraged the nation.
Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery meets with the family at the center of it all, the Anthonys, to hear their first-hand account of the tragic details surrounding the death of their granddaughter, Caylee. We'll reveal the details surrounding the troubled investigation and explore new revelations in the case that outraged the nation.
先不论小孩究竟是怎么死的 孩子失踪一个月当妈的不但没着急还纹身嗑药各处轰趴 之后用肉体换取来自被告律师的保护 美国的司法体系简直是个谜 人性也是个谜
听说过Casey Anthony冷血无情的杀女的事迹,没想到取证、控诉的环节这么精彩,而且胜诉之后的狗血也让人大跌眼镜。让老爹背娈自己亲生女儿的黑锅,安东尼家真的倒了八辈子血霉碰上这么个女儿。