生锈的刀的剧情介绍,在一座新兴的港口城市,黑帮势力依然庞大。虽然警方对代表人物胜又清次(杉浦直樹 饰)进行了接二连三的打击,但皆因证据不足而难有进展。检察厅官员狩田(安井昌二 饰)偶然得知,五年前自杀的西田议员(小泉郁之助 饰)与胜又有着千丝万缕的关系,更有三名证人指证胜又正是杀害西田的凶手。为了抓住这个恶霸的把柄,检察方约请证人见面,然而证人之一岛原(宍戸錠 饰)却在途中死于非命。万般无奈,检察方将希望另一名证人橘(石原裕次郎 饰)能够指证胜又。这个浪子回头的年轻人,不仅面临着艰难的选择,更要面对黑暗和阴谋的侵袭…… <br /> 本片根据石原慎太郎的原作改编。
Udaka is a new, post-war city where corruption has already taken hold. A persistent district attorney wants to arrest and convict Katsumata, a laughing, self-confident thug. The D.A. gets an anonymous letter about the suicide five years' before of a city council member. Evidence about the case leads the D.A. to Tachibana, struggling to go straight after involvement with the mob and a prison sentence for killing the man responsible for the rape and suicide of his fiancée. One of Tachibana's friends is Keiko, the daughter of the dead councilman and the ward of another powerful official. How do these stories connect?
模仿的痕跡依舊過於明顯和刻意 情節也太過簡單甚至有些無厘頭 末二十分鐘是最大的敗筆 唯一亮眼的是 三大男星當年都好萌啊...
故事还算不错,但人物设计总有些做作(刻意的noir character)。