终生 第二季的剧情介绍,ABC宣布续订新剧《#终生# For Life》第二季。
Aaron needs to decide whether to accept Maskins offer to eventually be released but still be labeled a criminal. His wife tells him he needs to clear himself which he sets out to do but in addition to Maskins has to deal with the warden and the convicts who think hes a snitch. So he comes up with a plan.
For Life S02 E07。For Life S02 E06。For Life S02 E05。For Life S02 E10。For Life S02 E09。For Life S02 E08。For Life S02 E04。For Life S02 E03。For Life S02 E02。For Life S02 E01。
第二季完全靠情怀在支撑,可以看出为了平衡防疫和拍摄剧组做得非常局促的努力,在户外戴着口罩但一进室内要近距离聊天的时候竟然都摘下口罩(then what’s the point)。虽说是蹭了几个大热点,但诚意和完成度都算还不错啦。
法庭戏实在。。过于主旋律了点儿 。。
不是吧第一集就把大boss解决 铺垫这么久搞笑呢