死亡塔的剧情介绍,一代宗师李振强(李小龙 饰)和武林高手秦谷(黄正利 饰)是生死之交,秦谷的莫名死亡让李振强决心找到背后的真凶。哪知道在这过程中,李振强不幸遇害,只留下了一个和死亡塔有关的秘密,没有人能够解开。 <br /> 振国(金泰中 饰)是李振强的弟弟,得知哥哥的死讯,闭关修炼多年的振国决定下山,为兄寻仇。追随着李振强留下的线索,振国来到了神秘的山庄之中,经历了诸多生死攸关的险情,并最终打开了秘密通道,来到了潜藏在山庄之下的宫殿之中。在这里,等待着他的竟然是正是秦谷,振强和振国都落入了他一手策划的阴谋漩涡之中。秦谷想要将振国杀死毁尸灭迹,遭到了后者的奋起反击。
While investigating his friend Chin Ku's (Hwang Jang Lee) death, martial artist Billy Lo (Bruce Lee) is killed. His younger brother, Bobby Lo (Kim Tai Chung), investigates both deaths. His search takes him to Japan, where he befriends Lewis (Roy Horan), master of the Castle Of Death. But when Lewis is brutally murdered, Bobby must investigate the mysterious Fan Yu temple, where he must enter an underground pagoda and face off with the most terrifying of enemies.
欺世盗名之作。[FW] 從《唐山大兄》到《死亡塔》李小龍的神話 —《死亡塔》(1981)。小龙哥打酱油了。縱然一無是處也要看。