meet my valentine的剧情介绍,当中年汤姆发现自己得了脑瘤并已经进入晚期时,感到晴天霹雳,痛苦万分。在冷静下来之后,汤姆觉得,最令他放不下的,是他深爱的妻子和女儿。经过痛苦的思考,他决定瞒着家人,赶在一切太晚之前帮助他的妻子和女儿寻找一个可以代替他照顾家庭的男人。他的妻子瓦伦蒂尼一直被蒙在鼓里,并不知道这件事。汤姆为妻子在相亲网站上开设了一个账号,想秘密替妻子征婚。但在相亲网站上填写妻子的个人资料时却发现,自己这么多年因为忙于工作,实际上对妻子的了解太少了。为了帮妻子寻找到一个完美的伴侣,汤姆必须抓紧时间,提高效率,重新熟悉这位同床的枕边人。在这个过程中,他再次找到了当年初恋的感觉,记起了这么多年来他为什么那么爱妻子的原因。
In "Meet My Valentine," Tom (Wolf), after discovering he only has months to live, sets out to take care of the two women in his life: his 8-year-old daughter, Phoebe, and his estranged wife, Valentine (Ford) Tom embarks upon an audition process to find his most worthy successor for his wife and daughter. Throughout the ordeal, Tom quickly realizes that he doesn't know much about her anymore, but soon finds himself falling in love all over again with Valentine like it was the very first time.