A closed down department store is the setting for a wild Halloween party for a group of friends. The following morning, a woman, dressed in a jewel thief costume , wakes up in one of the many hidden away rooms and discovers that all of the other party guests have been murdered. Having psychic abilities, she uses her gift to retrace the final steps of the murdered guest. As Chris travels from room to room she discovers more and more dead bodies and as she uses her gift to see what happened, she sees one of the party guests, a large man, viciously killing everyone else. As the body count mounts, Chris is slowly able to piece together the events of the Halloween party, leading to everyone's demise.
全片讲诉着在酒吧里面一个一个被杀,此片非常重口暴力,杀人都是对头部重伤,有几个镜头还是挺回味的,用木棍直接从嘴巴里面插到后脑勺,还有用斧头直接对头部砍去。血腥四溅。 已发群里。。