Action Team is a spoof comedy action thriller series following the exploits of a special branch of MI6. The team is made up of four secret agents; the heroic Logan Mann, mix martial arts and bomb expert Monica Lang, crack sniper Graham Hooper and Huxley, who's just on work experience. They are overseen by the straight shooting head of operations Ruth Brooks and her assistant called Anne.
不会吧,这剧没人看吗?男主可是King Gary和成功镇凶案的男主啊……他的标志性笑料就是这种sb兮兮的感觉啊,不喜欢看不至于说是烂透吧?这种故事情节这几年很流行啊,用最搞笑的桥段拍严肃的谍战片,包括我很喜欢的Spy,还有后面双女主的hitmen,包括老友记ross拍的intelligence agencies(好像是这个名字),耐心点满满看下去,虽然很荒谬但是笑料还是有的,更别提里面这么多好的喜...