大假一场的剧情介绍,里皮(艾德·赫尔姆斯 Ed Helms 饰)三十四岁了,在这三十四年里,他的全部生活都围绕着这个生于此长于此的小镇,对于小镇以外的世界,里皮一无所知。一次偶然中,里皮获得了去参加公司在爱荷华州举办的年会的机会,这个天赐的良机让他兴奋了好长一段时间,他将此视为人生中的重大冒险,并为此而做了各种各样的准备。 <br /> 尽管有备而来,但里皮还是被大都市的繁华和先进震撼了,完全没有生存经验的他闹出了不少的笑话。在这里,一个叫做乔安(安·海切 Anne Heche 饰)的女子让里皮热血沸腾,与此同时,里皮的室友却又不断地拖着他的后腿。偌大的城市中,里皮这个小人物的命运会如何发展?
Tim Lippe (Helms) was the guy people always thought would go places but then he just ... didn't. He's been living in über-sleepy Brown Valley, Wisconsin his whole life, still "pre-engaged" to his 7th grade teacher Macy Vanderhei (Weaver), while selling insurance to protect other people's dreams. But now, Tim's stalled life is about to get a kick-start because, for the first time in his 34 years, he's headed to a "major" metropolis - Cedar Rapids, Iowa - where he must try to save his company at a do-or-die insurance convention that, for him, will be entirely unconventional. From the minute he checks into his hotel with his ancient American Tourister and cummerbund money belt, it's clear Tim has no idea how the modern world really works. He is soon smitten with seductive Nebraskan insurance agent Joan Ostrowski-Fox (Heche) and awed by his experienced roommates, the straight-shooting Ronald Wilkes (Whitlock Jr.) and the suspicious Dean Zeigler (Reilly). Disheartened when he comes face-to-face with corporate corruption, Tim is ultimately lured beyond the lobby into an urban jungle he's only ever seen on DVD and when it seems his life - and chances to succeed - have gone completely topsy-turvy, he finds his own unjaded way to turn it all around.
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Ed Helms演衰男真是有一套
前半部分有点沉闷了,从寻宝游戏开始随着节奏加快慢慢变得有趣起来。影片对保险业的描述只是借用于展开故事的楔子,流于表面,对业内人士的酸甜苦辣也是 一带而过。倒是电影通过主角对内心的信念价值观理想的拷问及同现实碰撞的处理和坚持,把整部片子的品味给提升了。