After losing their only grandson in a car accident, grief-stricken Audrey (Sheila McCarthy) and Henry (Julian Richings), a doctor, kidnaps his pregnant patient with the intentions of performing a "reverse Exorcism", putting Jackson inside her unborn child. It doesn't take long to figure out Jackson isn't the only ghost the grandparents invited into their home. Now it's a race against time for the couple, as well as the pregnant woman to figure a way out of the haunting they've set upon themselves.
梳理复盘一下 强剧透。。最后萎了,真可惜。一切为了杰克森:一个类型片叙事失败的典例。剧情解析-宗教背景。一切为了杰克森简述。是能告诉我结局是怎么回事?。凑热闹的杰克森~。小成本恐怖片。最后一幕……。莫名躺枪的杰克逊小朋友。