In 1999, after losing his son in a drug-related shooting in New Orleans and lacking answers from police, a small town pharmacist - Dan Schneider - beats the odds when he embarks on a dogged pursuit to find and bring his son's killer to justice. But months later, the ripple effects of his son's addiction and tragic death would find him again when a troubling number of young, seemingly healthy people begin visiting Dan's pharmacy with high dose prescriptions for OxyContin. Sensing a crisis long before the opioid epidemic had gained nationwide attention, Dan stakes a mission: Save the lives of other sons and daughters within his community. Then take the fight to Big Pharma itself.
40万人无辜枉死,终于有一部良心好片,大胆揭穿它的内幕。药物和毒品的界线。这个一意孤行的父亲,凭什么拿下8.8的高分?。摘要~。"Everything I did, I did for Danny."。Danny's Poetry 丹尼的诗。公民英雄。存在即合理。人人都是私家侦探。WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO HARD?。