没有面孔的恶魔的剧情介绍,标题其实很奇怪,叫做没有面孔的恶魔,岂止是没有面孔啊,根本就是全身就没有啊,叫做invisible才合适。 <br /> 典型的恐怖片拍法,怪物出场杀人遵循循序渐进的规律,头一次只见尸体,不见杀人过程,第二次依稀见到了怪兽行进的踪迹,但总还让人抱有怪兽是可见的希望(如果没有经历剧透的话),第三次则巨细无遗的运用特技手段描绘了怪兽的神出鬼没,刻意渲染其未知与强大,这种剧情推进方式是无数后期恐怖片的的惯用规律。
A Scientist, experimenting with telekinetic powers enhanced by a nearby nuclear power plant succeeds in creating a new form of life. This new creature grows in intelligence until it finally escapes his laboratory. Once outside the lab, and closer to its nuclear power source it multiplies. The creature is also invisible, so no one knows what it looks like...