Save My Seoul follows two Korean-American brothers as they discover rampant prostitution and sex trafficking in Seoul, South Korea. With the use of hidden cameras and access to pimps, johns, and sex-workers, Eddie and Jason explore and unravel the complexity of the sex trade in Seoul. They learn that this problem is rooted in issues far deeper than lost girls and lustful men. Instead, it's a consequence of the broken Korean culture that turns a blind eye to and condones one of the biggest human injustices of our generation.
Save My Seoul follows two Korean-American brothers as they discover rampant prostitution and sex trafficking in Seoul, South Korea. With the use of hidden cameras and access to pimps, johns, and sex-workers, Eddie and Jason explore and unravel the complexity of the sex trade in Seoul. They learn that this problem is rooted in issues far deeper than lost girls and lustful men. I...
无论是性文化 应酬文化 对性的公众态度甚至是ZF态度 与我们何其相像 本片就一部纪录片来说尚可 基本把性工业牵扯的方方面面都采访到了 不过片子还是停留在表现问题的层面上 对我们的“借鉴”和对三位小哥的偷拍精神还是要加分的
不说拍得多好 但至少拍出来了