Former serial killer Byung-su gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The doctor tells him that it's due to the aftereffects from a traffic accident 17 years ago; the same accident that stopped him from his killings and allowed him to live a normal life with his dear daughter. So when a series of murders occurs near his town, Byung-su gets worried whether the killings are his doing during his memory lapses. But then he comes across Tae-ju and instinctively realizes that he is the serial killer. He reports this to the police, only to learn that Tae-ju is one. Byung-su tries to find firm evidence that Tae-ju is a psychopath, but only raises Tae-ju's interest in him and his daughter. And now with his memory slipping, Byung-su must find a way to protect his daughter from Tae-ju.
这部片上映版和导演剪辑版几乎两部片,导演剪辑版回答了所有问题。同样的记忆,不同的真实。第一次写影评,主要针对结尾。。十个问题。最深沉的“爱” ---- 阿尔茨海默病+多重人格的绝妙组合!。杀人者的记忆法 影评浅析。杀人者的记忆法,5星神剧!(烧脑神剧的真实版本)。仅作记录。回忆的偏差。记忆到底哪一部分才是真实的,看完你知道真相了吗?。
从《那家伙的声音》到《不可饶恕》到《素媛》再到这部《杀人者的记忆法 》,“不要做薛景求(薛耿求)的孩子”的定律依然适用……