两个男人和一个衣柜的剧情介绍,两个男人自海上而来,共同扛着一个大衣柜。他们上岸后庆贺一番,开心地扛起衣柜上路。他们来到城市里,却屡屡遭到驱赶:他们不允许进入公共汽车,不允许进入餐厅里,还不时遭到冷眼对待。他们去到旅馆,也被老板赶了出去。于是两个男人只好靠着自己,一路慢慢走,在户外吃饭,露宿街头。他们见义勇为,救下了一个女人,却遭到了四个小混混的殴打。 <br /> 两个男人依然扛着大衣柜走着,他们一路上见证了人间百态……
Two men come up from the beach carrying a large wardrobe between them. They come up into the town but not only find that accommodation is difficult to come by with their wooden travelling companion but also that both women and men shun or mistreat them.
世间没有容我之所。这是人家的作业。。。。同一天看到两个气质相符的作品。被唾弃的理想主义者。谁是衣柜 谁是男人。小试牛刀。波兰斯基在学生时代的习作——简单而深刻。试论两个男人和一个衣柜。